State Senator Kelda Roys and State Representative Jodi Emerson have introduced the Wisconsin Building Families Act which recognizes infertility as a disease, expands access, and removes economic barriers to fertility treatments. Please help us encourage all state legislators to add their name in support by reaching out to your own elected leaders. Use this form to easily connect to your own State Senator and State Assembly Representative today.
You can see the email below:
Subject: Please Support the Wisconsin Building Families Act (LRB 0539)
Hello. As your constituent, I am writing in hopes that you'll add your name as supporter of the Wisconsin Building Families Act.
According to the World Health Organization, 1 in 6 couples experience infertility and the World Health Organization and American Medical Association define infertility as a disease. Infertility affects women and men equally and does not discriminate based on race, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, or socioeconomic level.
Infertility can be a difficult topic and can cause physical, mental, and financial stress. All people should have access to family building options, which can include adoption and medical treatments. Costs and lack of insurance coverage can be barriers for many in Wisconsin to access the family building option they need. People who are struggling with infertility deserve support and care, and this resolution will help to reduce the stigma surrounding infertility.
Thank you.